Hotel Beri

Hotel Beri's booking conditions

Check-in and check-out at the hotel:

Tourist tax:

The tourist tax is €0.66 per person per day, which will be charged in addition to the room rate.


The hotel has private parking, subject to availability. If this is not available, there is a public car park near the hotel.


We accept quiet pets upon request, with an additional charge of €5 per night. Pets must be accompanied by their owner and not cause any disturbance to other guests.

Building layout:

The hotel consists of three buildings. The main building houses the communal facilities, while the other two buildings are dedicated exclusively to the rooms.

During the winter season, rooms are located in the hotel's annex building, opposite the main building.

Stays with children:


Cancellation policies and prepayment requirements vary according to accommodation type. Please enter your dates of stay when booking to see specific conditions.

Accepted payment methods: